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CTC Awarded the Consultancy Agreement for Digitalisation of Asset Management in Directly-Administered Chinese Temples
The Chinese Temples Committee (“CTC”) signed a consultancy agreement of about HK$2.5 million on 23 June 2022 with Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited for consultancy services for digitalization of asset management in directly-administered Chinese temples. The consultancy agreement mainly comprises:- (i) Digitalization Roadmap and Execution Plan for 24 nos. temples; (ii) 3-D Scanning, Photogrammetry Scanning and BIM Modelling for 3 nos. temples as Pilot Scheme, integrated with Asset Management System applying Internet of Things Solutions; and (iii)Digital Works Supervision System for 24 nos. temples. The consultancy agreement will commence on 11 July 2022 for completion in 12 months.
It has come to the attention of the Chinese Temples Committee (the “Committee”) that CHEK LAP KOK TIN HAU TEMPLE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION(赤鱲角天后宮管理協會) (the “Association”) has issued a booklet promoting the Tin Hau Temple, Wong Lung Hang, Tung Chung(東涌黃龍坑天后廟)in which the information contained therein has been extracted from the official website of the Committee. It is hereby declared that the Committee does not have any relationship with the Association and has not authorized the Association or any other party to use such information in its booklet, and unless expressly authorized by the Committee, no information from the Committee’s official website may be copied, reproduced, uploaded, publicly displayed, transmitted or distributed in any way through any medium. The Committee hereby reserves all its rights, including but not limited to right to take legal action against any unauthorized use of any information published at the Committee’s official website.
CTC Signed Contract for Replacement of Joss Paper Furnaces and Smoke Abatement Plants and Maintenance Services at Chinese Temples
The Chinese Temples Committee (“CTC”) signed a contract of about HK$20 million on 5 May 2022 with REC Green Technologies Company Limited for Replacement of Joss Paper Furnaces and Smoke Abatement Plants and Maintenance Services at Chinese Temples.
華人廟宇委員會聯同香港科技大學華南研究中心,出版《香港廟宇》書冊,由廖迪生教授與其研究團隊研究香港108組廟宇,再以深入淺出的文字,配合廟宇及儀式活動照片,介紹及分析多采多姿的香港廟宇及民間宗教活動。 《香港廟宇》共分上下兩卷。上卷以香港108組廟宇為對象,圖文並茂介紹廟宇之歷史、建築結構、供奉神祇及相關風俗節慶活動,引領讀者體會香港廟宇的不同形態。下卷為分析專論,闡述香港廟宇及民間宗教活動中的基本概念,分析節慶、儀式活動、廟宇營運及其與地方社會的關係,並且探討不同類型之廟宇結構及其藝術元素。讀者可以從基本概念開始,繼而縱觀香港廟宇與地方社會及民間宗教活動的關係。書冊更附有廟宇神祇、廟宇建築、裝飾及圖案詞彙簡介,方便讀者掌握各廟宇基本組成元素。 《香港廟宇》書冊已於各大書局門市及網上書店有售。
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